(* OASIS_START *) (* DO NOT EDIT (digest: 7ae4c05040136a0e1ec71440bc83f031) *) module OASISGettext = struct # 21 "/home/ygrek/work/contrib/oasis/src/oasis/OASISGettext.ml" let s_ str = str let f_ (str : ('a, 'b, 'c) format) = str let fn_ fmt1 fmt2 n = if n = 1 then fmt1^^"" else fmt2^^"" let init = [] end module OASISExpr = struct # 21 "/home/ygrek/work/contrib/oasis/src/oasis/OASISExpr.ml" open OASISGettext type test = string type flag = string type t = | EBool of bool | ENot of t | EAnd of t * t | EOr of t * t | EFlag of flag | ETest of test * string type 'a choices = (t * 'a) list let eval var_get t = let rec eval' = function | EBool b -> b | ENot e -> not (eval' e) | EAnd (e1, e2) -> (eval' e1) && (eval' e2) | EOr (e1, e2) -> (eval' e1) || (eval' e2) | EFlag nm -> let v = var_get nm in assert(v = "true" || v = "false"); (v = "true") | ETest (nm, vl) -> let v = var_get nm in (v = vl) in eval' t let choose ?printer ?name var_get lst = let rec choose_aux = function | (cond, vl) :: tl -> if eval var_get cond then vl else choose_aux tl | [] -> let str_lst = if lst = [] then s_ "" else String.concat (s_ ", ") (List.map (fun (cond, vl) -> match printer with | Some p -> p vl | None -> s_ "") lst) in match name with | Some nm -> failwith (Printf.sprintf (f_ "No result for the choice list '%s': %s") nm str_lst) | None -> failwith (Printf.sprintf (f_ "No result for a choice list: %s") str_lst) in choose_aux (List.rev lst) end module BaseEnvLight = struct # 21 "/home/ygrek/work/contrib/oasis/src/base/BaseEnvLight.ml" module MapString = Map.Make(String) type t = string MapString.t let default_filename = Filename.concat (Sys.getcwd ()) "setup.data" let load ?(allow_empty=false) ?(filename=default_filename) () = if Sys.file_exists filename then begin let chn = open_in_bin filename in let st = Stream.of_channel chn in let line = ref 1 in let st_line = Stream.from (fun _ -> try match Stream.next st with | '\n' -> incr line; Some '\n' | c -> Some c with Stream.Failure -> None) in let lexer = Genlex.make_lexer ["="] st_line in let rec read_file mp = match Stream.npeek 3 lexer with | [Genlex.Ident nm; Genlex.Kwd "="; Genlex.String value] -> Stream.junk lexer; Stream.junk lexer; Stream.junk lexer; read_file (MapString.add nm value mp) | [] -> mp | _ -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "Malformed data file '%s' line %d" filename !line) in let mp = read_file MapString.empty in close_in chn; mp end else if allow_empty then begin MapString.empty end else begin failwith (Printf.sprintf "Unable to load environment, the file '%s' doesn't exist." filename) end let var_get name env = let rec var_expand str = let buff = Buffer.create ((String.length str) * 2) in Buffer.add_substitute buff (fun var -> try var_expand (MapString.find var env) with Not_found -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "No variable %s defined when trying to expand %S." var str)) str; Buffer.contents buff in var_expand (MapString.find name env) let var_choose lst env = OASISExpr.choose (fun nm -> var_get nm env) lst end module MyOCamlbuildFindlib = struct # 21 "/home/ygrek/work/contrib/oasis/src/plugins/ocamlbuild/MyOCamlbuildFindlib.ml" (** OCamlbuild extension, copied from * http://brion.inria.fr/gallium/index.php/Using_ocamlfind_with_ocamlbuild * by N. Pouillard and others * * Updated on 2009/02/28 * * Modified by Sylvain Le Gall *) open Ocamlbuild_plugin (* these functions are not really officially exported *) let run_and_read = Ocamlbuild_pack.My_unix.run_and_read let blank_sep_strings = Ocamlbuild_pack.Lexers.blank_sep_strings let split s ch = let x = ref [] in let rec go s = let pos = String.index s ch in x := (String.before s pos)::!x; go (String.after s (pos + 1)) in try go s with Not_found -> !x let split_nl s = split s '\n' let before_space s = try String.before s (String.index s ' ') with Not_found -> s (* this lists all supported packages *) let find_packages () = List.map before_space (split_nl & run_and_read "ocamlfind list") (* this is supposed to list available syntaxes, but I don't know how to do it. *) let find_syntaxes () = ["camlp4o"; "camlp4r"] (* ocamlfind command *) let ocamlfind x = S[A"ocamlfind"; x] let dispatch = function | Before_options -> (* by using Before_options one let command line options have an higher priority *) (* on the contrary using After_options will guarantee to have the higher priority *) (* override default commands by ocamlfind ones *) Options.ocamlc := ocamlfind & A"ocamlc"; Options.ocamlopt := ocamlfind & A"ocamlopt"; Options.ocamldep := ocamlfind & A"ocamldep"; Options.ocamldoc := ocamlfind & A"ocamldoc"; Options.ocamlmktop := ocamlfind & A"ocamlmktop" | After_rules -> (* When one link an OCaml library/binary/package, one should use -linkpkg *) flag ["ocaml"; "link"; "program"] & A"-linkpkg"; (* For each ocamlfind package one inject the -package option when * compiling, computing dependencies, generating documentation and * linking. *) List.iter begin fun pkg -> flag ["ocaml"; "compile"; "pkg_"^pkg] & S[A"-package"; A pkg]; flag ["ocaml"; "ocamldep"; "pkg_"^pkg] & S[A"-package"; A pkg]; flag ["ocaml"; "doc"; "pkg_"^pkg] & S[A"-package"; A pkg]; flag ["ocaml"; "link"; "pkg_"^pkg] & S[A"-package"; A pkg]; flag ["ocaml"; "infer_interface"; "pkg_"^pkg] & S[A"-package"; A pkg]; end (find_packages ()); (* Like -package but for extensions syntax. Morover -syntax is useless * when linking. *) List.iter begin fun syntax -> flag ["ocaml"; "compile"; "syntax_"^syntax] & S[A"-syntax"; A syntax]; flag ["ocaml"; "ocamldep"; "syntax_"^syntax] & S[A"-syntax"; A syntax]; flag ["ocaml"; "doc"; "syntax_"^syntax] & S[A"-syntax"; A syntax]; flag ["ocaml"; "infer_interface"; "syntax_"^syntax] & S[A"-syntax"; A syntax]; end (find_syntaxes ()); (* The default "thread" tag is not compatible with ocamlfind. * Indeed, the default rules add the "threads.cma" or "threads.cmxa" * options when using this tag. When using the "-linkpkg" option with * ocamlfind, this module will then be added twice on the command line. * * To solve this, one approach is to add the "-thread" option when using * the "threads" package using the previous plugin. *) flag ["ocaml"; "pkg_threads"; "compile"] (S[A "-thread"]); flag ["ocaml"; "pkg_threads"; "link"] (S[A "-thread"]); flag ["ocaml"; "pkg_threads"; "infer_interface"] (S[A "-thread"]) | _ -> () end module MyOCamlbuildBase = struct # 21 "/home/ygrek/work/contrib/oasis/src/plugins/ocamlbuild/MyOCamlbuildBase.ml" (** Base functions for writing myocamlbuild.ml @author Sylvain Le Gall *) open Ocamlbuild_plugin type dir = string type file = string type name = string type tag = string # 55 "/home/ygrek/work/contrib/oasis/src/plugins/ocamlbuild/MyOCamlbuildBase.ml" type t = { lib_ocaml: (name * dir list) list; lib_c: (name * dir * file list) list; flags: (tag list * (spec OASISExpr.choices)) list; } let env_filename = Pathname.basename BaseEnvLight.default_filename let dispatch_combine lst = fun e -> List.iter (fun dispatch -> dispatch e) lst let dispatch t e = let env = BaseEnvLight.load ~filename:env_filename ~allow_empty:true () in match e with | Before_options -> let no_trailing_dot s = if String.length s >= 1 && s.[0] = '.' then String.sub s 1 ((String.length s) - 1) else s in List.iter (fun (opt, var) -> try opt := no_trailing_dot (BaseEnvLight.var_get var env) with Not_found -> Printf.eprintf "W: Cannot get variable %s" var) [ Options.ext_obj, "ext_obj"; Options.ext_lib, "ext_lib"; Options.ext_dll, "ext_dll"; ] | After_rules -> (* Declare OCaml libraries *) List.iter (function | lib, [] -> ocaml_lib lib; | lib, dir :: tl -> ocaml_lib ~dir:dir lib; List.iter (fun dir -> flag ["ocaml"; "use_"^lib; "compile"] (S[A"-I"; P dir])) tl) t.lib_ocaml; (* Declare C libraries *) List.iter (fun (lib, dir, headers) -> (* Handle C part of library *) flag ["link"; "library"; "ocaml"; "byte"; "use_lib"^lib] (S[A"-dllib"; A("-l"^lib); A"-cclib"; A("-l"^lib)]); flag ["link"; "library"; "ocaml"; "native"; "use_lib"^lib] (S[A"-cclib"; A("-l"^lib)]); flag ["link"; "program"; "ocaml"; "byte"; "use_lib"^lib] (S[A"-dllib"; A("dll"^lib)]); (* When ocaml link something that use the C library, then one need that file to be up to date. *) dep ["link"; "ocaml"; "use_lib"^lib] [dir/"lib"^lib^"."^(!Options.ext_lib)]; (* TODO: be more specific about what depends on headers *) (* Depends on .h files *) dep ["compile"; "c"] headers; (* Setup search path for lib *) flag ["link"; "ocaml"; "use_"^lib] (S[A"-I"; P(dir)]); ) t.lib_c; (* Add flags *) List.iter (fun (tags, cond_specs) -> let spec = BaseEnvLight.var_choose cond_specs env in flag tags & spec) t.flags | _ -> () let dispatch_default t = dispatch_combine [ dispatch t; MyOCamlbuildFindlib.dispatch; ] end open Ocamlbuild_plugin;; let package_default = { MyOCamlbuildBase.lib_ocaml = []; lib_c = [("test", ".", ["cxx_wrapped.h"])]; flags = [ (["oasis_executable_test_ccopt"; "compile"], [ (OASISExpr.EBool true, S [A "-ccopt"; A "-x"; A "-ccopt"; A "c++"]) ]); (["oasis_executable_test_cclib"; "link"], [(OASISExpr.EBool true, S [A "-cclib"; A "-lstdc++"])]); (["oasis_executable_test_cclib"; "ocamlmklib"; "c"], [(OASISExpr.EBool true, S [A "-lstdc++"])]) ]; } ;; let dispatch_default = MyOCamlbuildBase.dispatch_default package_default;; (* OASIS_STOP *) Ocamlbuild_plugin.dispatch dispatch_default;;